Frequently Asked Questions

When you’ve been injured an accident, a personal injury attorney can answer your questions and help you protect your rights. Vehicle accidents are generally stressful and a source of confusion. In fact, serious injuries resulting from an accident often become a legal issue.

1. How much is my case worth?

In Texas, you are entitled to money damages for personal injury if another person or their company’s negligence causes your injuries. The law states that a jury may award, based on the evidence, money damages for:

  • Reasonable and necessary medical treatment in the past and future
  • Loss of earning capacity (sometimes referred to as wages) in the past and future
  • Pain and suffering in the past and future
  • Disfigurement in the past and future
  • Other economic damages

2. How long will my claim take?

The length really depends on the extent of your injuries. Insurance companies only write one check at the end of the claim. So, you must either complete medical treatment or reach maximum medical improvement. You reach maximum medical improvement when medical treatment will no longer improve your condition or when you reach a plateau in the healing process. As your personal injury attorney, I will need time to gather the medical evidence (records) and obtain medical evidence for any future medical treatment.

After all of the evidence is available, then our law firm will negotiate with the insurance adjuster. Sometimes an agreement can be reached without filing a lawsuit. If a lawsuit is needed, then usually the court sets a trial date for the parties involved.

3. Will my insurance rates go up?

Although it is unknown how insurance companies set their premium rates, we do know that an at-fault wreck will raise rates. It is important for us to work with your insurance company to make sure that a wreck is not reported as your fault.

4. How much insurance do I need?

Texas sets the minimum insurance policy at $30,000 per person / $60,000 total per incident. Medical treatment is very expensive. I would recommend having more coverage than the minimum policy limits. Furthermore, it is very important to review your insurance policy to make sure you purchased Uninsured / Underinsured motorist coverage, and Personal Injury Protection.

5. Do I need to call my insurance company after a wreck?

Yes, even if the wreck is not your fault. You do not always know what insurance company the person who caused the wreck has. There are some very cheap and underhanded insurance companies in Texas. Contact your own insurance company so they will take care of your property damage promptly. Your insurance company owes you a higher duty of good faith and fair dealing based on your contract with them.

6. Do I have to report my car wreck to the police?

You have to file a crash report if your accident involved property damage over $1,000, serious injuries or death. You could end up paying penalties or going to jail for failing to report the accident under these circumstances.

7. What should I do if the other person’s insurance company calls me?

It is best to tell them that you have a lawyer or are in the process of hiring an attorney. You should also do this if the other person’s lawyer calls you. You don’t want to provide them with information until you’ve consulted with your attorney. Even if they pressure you, insist on waiting until your lawyer advises you about what to say.

8. What’s the difference between a personal injury claim and a personal injury lawsuit?

You file a personal injury claim with an insurance company to recover money for damages. The insurance company will negotiate a settlement with you or your lawyer to settle a claim. When you cannot reach a fair settlement, your lawyer can file a lawsuit. A lawsuit is a complaint filed with the court that seeks payment for damages.

9. What should I do to get ready for my meeting with a lawyer?

You should bring any information or evidence regarding your accident. For example, images of the crash, the other driver’s contact information, and witnesses’ contact info are helpful information in an accident case. Also, be able to tell the lawyer as many details as you can remember about the accident: where it happened, the vehicles involved, how you think it happened, why you think the other driver might have been at fault and the extent of your injuries.

Types of Injury Cases We Handle


Personal Injury

Personal injury happens when someone fails to be responsible, and their negligence or reckless actions lead to harm.


18 Wheeler Accidents

18-wheeler truck accidents involving semi-truck tractors and trailers often result in life-threatening injuries or the death of a loved one.


Car Wrecks

Every year close to 500,000 car wrecks take place in Texas, which occur at the rate of one crash every one hour and 57 seconds. (TXDOT 2021 statistics)


Rural Road Accidents

Did you know that the majority of accidents in Texas and throughout the United States take place on rural roads and highways?


Hwy 80, 30 & 20 Accidents

Car wrecks are common in Texas where Farm-to-Market (FM) roadways intersect with other highways, such as HWY 20, 30 and 80.


Wrongful Death Lawsuit

In a wrongful death lawsuit, family members sue another person or persons who knowingly or negligently caused the death of their loved one.

Rely on a Personal Injury Firm for Legal Help

Stucky Injury Law offers a free consultation to talk about your accident and to explain how we can help. There is no out-of-pocket expense for you when we take your case. Our payment is a portion of the money we recover as part of the case settlement or verdict. If you’ve been in an accident, get some relief and make your life easier by hiring a lawyer.

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205 E. US Hwy 80, Ste. 105
Forney, Texas 75126

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