What Is a Whiplash Injury? What Are the Common Symptoms of Whiplash Injuries? What Is the Likelihood of Recovery?

You’ve been in a car accident or hurt yourself in a slip and fall and you’ve been diagnosed with a whiplash injury. What does that mean? What causes you to suffer whiplash? Can you reasonably expect a full recovery? If you have suffered any type of injury or trauma because of the carelessness of another person, Stucky Injury Law can help.

What Is Whiplash?

Whiplash involves injury or trauma to the neck, commonly caused by a violent back and forth motion of your head, much like the cracking of a whip. According to the National Institute of Health, approximately one of every four motorists involved in a rear-end accident sustained some level of whiplash injury. The sudden impact with another vehicle causes your body to stop its forward motion and violent snap backward. In the process, you can strain or tear muscles, ligaments, tendons, and other connective tissue.

How Do You Know If You Have Suffered from Whiplash?

The telltale signs of a potential whiplash injury include:

  • Any type of pain or stiffness in your neck
  • Tingling in your arms or shoulders
  • Loss of range of motion in your upper body
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Changes in sleep patterns
  • Blurred vision or tinnitus (a ringing in the ears)

What Are the Prospects of Full Recovery from a Whiplash Injury?

That generally depends on the severity of your injury. Most people who suffer a minor whiplash injury fully recover withing a few weeks or a couple months. If you’ve suffered whiplash before, chances are your recovery will take longer. Furthermore, a history of back or neck pain, as well as advanced age, can slow down your recovery.

Let Stucky Law Protect Your Legal Rights When You’ve Suffered a Whiplash Injury

We can help you pursue full and fair compensation for any losses suffered as the result of someone else’s carelessness or negligence. We offer a free initial consultation to anyone with a potential personal injury claim. We fight for the rights of injured people in Forney and across Kaufman County, Rockwall County, Hunt County, Van Zandt County, in Texas, from Talty and Terrell to Elmo, Crandall, Scurry, Oak Ridge, Kemp, Rosser, Post Oak Bend and Oak Grove, including victims of whiplash injury. Contact Stucky Injury Law or call us at 214-453-1190 for an appointment.